Risk Assessment for Adults in Family Court

Family courts require therapy intervention for involved family members to determine the outcome of a case. Dr. Jorge Galindo provides consultation services and therapy for family court referrals; he shares a private practice in Irvine, California with his wife, Miriam Galindo, Psy.D.. Dr. Jorge Galindo offers co-parenting, reunification, and individual counselling to families that are in the midst of high-conflict divorce.

Adult risk assessment is a significant part of family court cases such as high-conflict divorce. It is a necessary process to determine whether a child or another family member is at risk for emotional or physical harm. It includes evaluating the risk for aggression, the presence of a mental health disorder, or any negative behavior that influences other members of the family.

Assessments may include a risk assessment for the father, a vulnerability assessment for the mother, or vice versa. In some cases, courts can request a joint risk assessment, where both types of assessments will be incorporated for both parents.

These are necessary to determine whether a parent will be allowed to receive custody or visitation rights for a child. The reports are prepared by specialists and therapists assigned to handle the case. Once the results are in, the court will determine how to proceed and decide whether treatment and counselling is necessary.